Mountains in scripture are used for many purposes. Indeed, mountains can be places of encounter. This Advent our hearts desire encounter with God and each other. Often disciples and people in scripture go to or up on the mountain and come down with new insight and direction. Moses went up the mountain and came down with the tablets containing the 10 commandments. When he saw the people had turned from God he threw down the tablets. By the time that he reached level ground he became a leader of a stiff necked people.
Matthew’s gospel does not name mountains but they are places of encounter and insight. The mountain of the Transfiguration is not the Mountain of Olives with Gethsemane’s garden nor Mount Calvary. Each offers us insight into God’s plan, ourselves and our call to be disciples. We approach the Mountain of Advent 2021 seeking the grace of God in the midst of this year’s challenges and struggles.
Lord, throughout history you have called your people to come to the mountain of your presence. May this Advent make us aware of your presence in our world, in our community, in our families and indeed in our very lives. Help us to know what to seek that we may share your rich blessings with a world so in need of your love.
Advent can be filed with activity and movement. Take time to be on the mountain where we can see into the distance of who we are and what we are called to become. Make time today to pray that this Advent journey may help us to know how our call to be disciples challenges us to grow daily in the grace we receive.