A message from Rege Flaherty regarding “That Man Is You”:
Dear Brothers:
I hope that you had a wonderful summer. I want to remind you that we will begin a new semester of “That Man Is You” on Saturday, September 11th. I've looked at the lineup of talks and speakers and I think this may be the best semester we have had so far.
You also might be interested to know that “That Man Is You” is the recommended program of the Catholic Men's Fellowship of Pittsburgh and is approved by our diocese.
We are doing things a little differently this year. First, we will be meeting at the Cathedral in Synod Hall. We are encouraging everyone to attend 8:15 am Mass and then assemble in Synod Hall. What a great way to begin each session – receiving Our Lord in the Eucharist!
We are also encouraging everyone to view the video prior to the meeting. You can access the video at
https://admin.paradisusdei.org/users/sign_in. Once you sign-in you can go to the St. Paul Cathedral page and select the video for the upcoming session. This year’s course is “The Fight of Faith.” You may want to take a few notes when you watch the video and bring them to the Saturday discussion.
Watching the video prior to the Saturday session will allow us more time for discussion and fellowship. I recommend you sign in early in case you have any trouble with your password or getting into the program.
If you are registered on Paradisus Dei, Fred Egler will send an email every Friday letting you know which video to watch.
Also, I hope you realize that every man brings something unique and valuable to the group. The group will miss your gifts, knowledge, and perspective if you don't attend. If you are there, we will be a better and stronger fellowship.
Two final items. Please consider inviting another man to join you. And we will have coffee!!!
If you have a question, you can email or call me (
[email protected]; 412-287-4007).