We are invited to journey with our Lord and Savior as we remember and celebrate His saving passion, death, and Resurrection. We do so mindful of the restrictions still in place:
our masking, social distancing, and sanitizing requirements are critically important for all who come to both Saint Paul Cathedral and our Saint Rosalia site. We ask for everyone’s cooperation as we work to protect the safety of all who join us in these holy days.
Please consider receiving Holy Communion in the hand and not on the tongue. It is safer for all involved and we do these things out of great Christian charity and concern for our neighbor.
If anyone is not feeling well, please stay home out of consideration for others. All of our liturgies for Holy Week will be cablecast and livestreamed for those at home. We do not know what to expect relative to the numbers of people attending Mass this week, but if we do exceed our maximum capacity, we will have to shut our doors to prevent overcrowding. It is a joyous time to celebrate our faith, but we must be mindful of what is required of us in these pandemic times. See the complete Holy Week and Easter schedule below and our parish
bulletins for additional information. You can watch the televised and live streamed liturgies
here. Please note that the parish office will be closed on Friday, April 2 and Monday, April 5. The office will reopen on Tuesday, April 6.
Saturday Evening Anticipated Masses on March 27:
4:00 pm Saint Rosalia site
*6:00 pm Saint Paul Cathedral with Bishop Zubik
Palm Sunday Masses on March 28:
6:30 am Saint Paul Cathedral
9:00 am Saint Rosalia site
*10:00 am Saint Paul Cathedral with Bishop Zubik
12:00 pm Saint Paul Cathedral
12:00 pm Saint Rosalia site (Spanish)
6:00 pm Saint Paul Cathedral
*Chrism Mass with Bishop Zubik - 10:00 am at Saint Paul Cathedral
(Closed to Public) Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 6:00 pm at Saint Rosalia site
*Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Bishop Zubik - 7:00 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
The Cathedral will be open for private prayer until midnight
*Seven Last Words - 12:00 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
*Good Friday Service with Bishop Zubik - 1:30 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
Good Friday Service - 3:00 pm at St. Rosalia site
Confessions - 3:30 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
*Ecumenical Tenebrae with Bishop Zubik - 7:00 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
Blessing of the Food and Easter Baskets with Bishop Zubik - 12:00 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
*Easter Vigil with Bishop Zubik - 8:30 pm at Saint Paul Cathedral
No other Saturday evening Masses will be celebrated
At Saint Paul Cathedral Parish Masses will be celebrated at Saint Paul Cathedral and our Saint Rosalia site:
6:30 am Saint Paul Cathedral
9:00 am Saint Rosalia site
*10:00 am Saint Paul Cathedral with Bishop Zubik
12:00 pm Saint Paul Cathedral
12:00 pm Saint Rosalia site (Spanish)
6:00 pm Saint Paul Cathedral
No Easter Blessing of Families this year
*These liturgies will be live streamed on the diocesan and parish Facebook pages and websites and cablecast on Comcast Channel 95