The Pharisees knew Jesus was talking about them when He said, “The Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.” The entire parable in today’s Gospel seems to be directed at them. Why did Jesus even bother talking with the Pharisees? Why didn’t He just focus on those who were open to His message? Why? Because He “desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4)—even those who most strongly oppose Him, persecute Him, and look for opportunities to put Him to death.
Jesus often had strong words for the Pharisees, but He spoke thusly to shake them from their preconceptions and pride so that they might turn to Him and find the truth, salvation, and lasting joy that He offers. One Pharisee who was moved by the message and person of Jesus was Nicodemus, whose question (see John 3) prompted Jesus to give the teaching that we “must be born from above” and who would bravely bring “a mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing about a hundred pounds” for Jesus’ burial (John 19:39). The Church now commemorates Nicodemus as a saint, and his feast day is celebrated every August 31. Another ardent Pharisee who eventually fell at the feet of Jesus was known as Saul. We commemorate him as Saint Paul, the great evangelist to the Gentiles. Yes, even Pharisees can be saved and do great things for the Kingdom of God!
If Jesus doesn’t give up on people, even the Pharisee, neither can we. While there is the breath of life in a person, there is hope of salvation.
Call to mind that person in your circle of family, friends, or acquaintances who seems furthest from God right now. Commend that person to Him: “Jesus, work in the heart of [name] and bring him/her to You and to Your Church.”
We too are sinners who can, at times, be blind to the truth. Like Pharisees, if you will. Listen to Casting Crowns sing “Jesus, Friend of Sinners” ( Let your heart be stirred and formed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus who reaches out to every sinner, including you and me.