Each January thousands of Catholic men and women along with other people of faith join in the March for Life in Washington, DC. This year, because of COVID-19 we are not sponsoring a bus to take people to the March for Life on Friday, January 29. At the same time, we
strongly encourage ALL members of St. Paul Cathedral Parish to advocate for an end to abortion and for legislation that respects the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death.
What can you do?
You can pray for an end to the evil of abortion in our country. Offer a rosary for unborn; join us for Mass on January 22; engage in fasting, sacrifices and acts of kindness to change hearts in our country.
You can advocate for the unborn in word and deed.
You can contact your members of Congress by phone, email or through the US Postal Service and let them know how important the protection of the unborn is to you when you vote and seek their support.
You can join our prayer vigil at the abortion clinic in the City of Pittsburgh.
Support Local Pregnancy Centers: Birthright and Women’s Choice Center
Passage of a constitutional amendment that will protect unborn children's right to life and pursuit of appropriate strategies to attain this goal
Federal and state laws and administrative policies that eliminate the practice of abortion and that prohibit government support of abortion, human cloning, and research that destroys human embryos
Continual challenging of the scope of and ultimate reversing of the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court and other courts denying the right to life
Support for legislation that provides morally acceptable alternatives to abortion, including funding to expand education, health, nutrition, and other services for disadvantaged parents and their children
You can find contact information at:
https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials Let us be united in prayer and action to speak for those who cannot and to give witness to our belief that all human life is sacred.