CORONAVIRUS RESTRICTIONS AND POLICIES. Diocesan regulations are still in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or any other type of flu or virus. Some significant changes have taken place with more that will become effective on Monday, May 31. We need everyone's cooperation in our attempts to remain open and to stay safe and healthy. Please cooperate as members of our parish family with the rules in place:
Effective immediately: those who have been fully vaccinated and are in compliance with state vaccination regulations do not need to wear a mask in Church. Those who have not been fully vaccinated are required to wear a mask in Church.
Effective May 31: no more social distancing requirements will be in place in our church sites. We will remove the ribbons that mark off the pews but will reserve one section at Saint Paul Cathedral site for those who feel safer social distancing. This will be the section in front of the Blessed Sacrament chapel.
Effective May 31: We will operate as close to 100 percent as is possible given that we will still reserve one section with social distancing.
d. Out of charity and concern for others, we are asking that everyone
please continue to receive Holy Communion on the hand during this pandemic and not on the tongue. We realize that some people have strong feelings about receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, but we are asking your consideration to dispense from this practice, out of charity, for the welfare and safety of everyone.
e. Priests and ministers in the sanctuary will not need to wear masks as long as they are fully vaccinated; otherwise, masks are required.
f. EEM’s are required to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion and moving to and from the sanctuary.
g. The distribution of the Precious Blood during the Eucharist is suspended.
h. The exchange of the Sign of Peace is suspended.
i. The collection will take place when sufficient ushers are on hand, but you can continue to drop your offertory contributions and donations in the marked boxes at both the doors of the Church.
j. Holy water fonts will be filled and operative again.
k. The offertory procession with gifts is permitted at every Mass.
l. The obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues to be lifted by the Bishops of Pennsylvania. We encourage you to take advantage of the livestreaming and cablecasting of our daily and Sunday Masses from the Cathedral.
m. Anyone who is feeling ill or sick must stay home. In the interest of the health of others in the faith community, those who feel ill or exhibit any flu or cold symptoms should stay home until they are well.
n. Cleaning and sanitizing can now take place after the final Mass and not between every single Mass or event. We are still asking for volunteers to help us after the final Mass at each of our worship sites during the week and on the weekend.
o. Hymnals and missalettes, along with printed Mass programs, are permitted to be used and will be placed in the pews.
p. Other approved materials, like pamphlets and books, will once again be made available at the designated spots in our church sites. Only those materials approved by Father Stubna can be distributed; all other materials will be regularly discarded.
q. All doors at both Saint Paul Cathedral and Saint Rosalia will be opened for use as both entrances and exits.
Saint Paul Cathedral is typically open for worship and prayer:
Monday through Friday: 7:30 am until 4:00 pm
Wednesday evening: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Saturday: 7:30 am until 7:00 pm
Sunday: 6:00 am until 7:00 pm
s. Please continue to sanitize regularly as you come and go from church.