While reflecting on the daily readings for today, I was struck by the first reading, Genesis 17:3-9. I often think about the interaction between Abraham and God. Abraham was childless. Desperate for an heir, a legacy to leave behind, someone to fulfill the covenant with God. God promised he would "become the father of a host of nations." We know that Abraham had one son to carry on his name and the covenant, so how could he be a father to a host of nations? It is at this point I begin thinking about the Church and the community we are tasked with maintaining. This is especially poignant as we draw near to Easter and the baptism of our Elect. What a beautiful addition to our community, to the Church, to the nation promised by God to Abraham. We are the descendants of Abraham. As we evangelize and bring others into the fold, we are keeping the promise to God to "keep my covenant throughout the ages." As we gather for Mass each and every day, look around at your community. Notice how we all pray together, gather together, and commune together. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we praise you and give you glory: we bless you for calling us to be your holy people. Remain in our hearts, and guide us in our love and service. Help us to let our light shine before others and lead them to the way of faith. Holy Trinity of love, we praise you now and forever. Amen
Act: Invite one person, Catholic or not, to come to Mass with you.